श्री शिव अष्टकम
तस्मै नमः परमकारणकारणाय
दीप्तोज्ज्वलज्ज्वलितपिङ्गललोचनाय ।
ब्रह्मेन्द्रविष्णुवरदाय नमः शिवाय ॥१॥
शैलेन्द्रजावदनचुम्बितलोचनाय ।
लोकत्रयार्तिहरणाय नमः शिवाय ॥२॥
कृष्णागरुप्रचुरचन्दनचर्चिताय ।
नीलाब्जकण्ठसदृशाय नमः शिवाय ॥३॥
दंष्ट्राकरालविकटोत्कटभैरवाय ।
व्याघ्राजिनाम्बरधराय मनोहराय
त्रैलोक्यनाथनमिताय नमः शिवाय ॥४॥
क्षिप्रं महात्रिपुरदानवघातनाय ।
योगाय योगनमिताय नमः शिवाय ॥५॥
रक्षः पिशाचगणसिद्धसमाकुलाय ।
शार्दूलचर्मवसनाय नमः शिवाय ॥६॥
सौम्यावदातवनमाश्रितमाश्रिताय ।
गोक्षीरधारधवलाय नमः शिवाय ॥७॥
यज्ञाग्निहोत्रवरधूमनिकेतनाय ।
ऋक्सामवेदमुनिभिः स्तुतिसंयुताय
गोपाय गोपनमिताय नमः शिवाय ॥८॥
शिवाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेच्छिवसन्निधौ ।
शिवलोकमवाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते ॥९॥
Shiva Ashtakam
tasmai namaḥ paramakāraṇakāraṇāya
dīptojjvalajjvalitapiṅgalalocanāya .
brahmendraviṣṇuvaradāya namaḥ śivāya ..1..
Meaning – I salute that Shiva, who is the real cause of causes,
Who has reddish brown eyes which shine like light,
Who wears garlands and ear drops made of the king of snakes,
And who is the one who gives boons to Brahma and Vishnu.
śailendrajāvadanacumbitalocanāya .
lokatrayārtiharaṇāya namaḥ śivāya ..2..
Meaning – I salute that Shiva, who always wears,
The clear moon and the snake as ornaments,
Whose eyes are kissed by the daughter of the mountain,
Who lives in the Kailasa peak and Mahendra mountain,
And who defeats the sorrow of the people of three worlds.
kṛṣṇāgarupracuracandanacarcitāya .
nīlābjakaṇṭhasadṛśāya namaḥ śivāya ..3..
Meaning – I salute that Shiva, who has neck of the colour of blue lotus,
Who wears ear rings made of Padma raga, who rides on a bull,
Who applies fragrance of aloe and coats himself with plenty of sandal paste,
And who applies ash on his body and wears a garland of opened lotus flowers.
Meaning – I salute that Shiva who is saluted by lords of the three worlds,
Who has large matted crown of hair of reddish brown colour,
Who appears fierce and fearful due to his pointed teeth,
And who is very pretty wearing the hide of a tiger.
kṣipraṃ mahātripuradānavaghātanāya .
yogāya yoganamitāya namaḥ śivāya ..5..
Meaning – I salute that Shiva, who is Yoga and is saluted by yogis,
Who destroyed fire sacrifice conducted by Daksha prajapathi,
Who quickly killed the great asura called Tripurasura,
And who cut off the fifth head of Brahma, who was proud.
rakṣaḥ piśācagaṇasiddhasamākulāya .
śārdūlacarmavasanāya namaḥ śivāya ..6..
Meaning – I salute that Shiva, who wears the skin of a tiger,
Who keeps on destroying and creating the world,
Who takes care of the different demons and crowds of sidhas,
And who is served by sidhas, serpents, planets and chiefs of ganas.
saumyāvadātavanamāśritamāśritāya .
gokṣīradhāradhavalāya namaḥ śivāya ..7..
Meaning – I salute that Shiva, who is as white as a stream of cow’s milk,
Who applies ash all over him but is bewitchingly handsome,
Who is the support for those pious people who take shelter in forests,
Who with half closed eyes sees the side long glance of Gowri.
yajñāgnihotravaradhūmaniketanāya .
ṛksāmavedamunibhiḥ stutisaṃyutāya
gopāya gopanamitāya namaḥ śivāya ..8..
Meaning – I salute that Shiva, who takes care of a bull and is venerated by it,
Who is served by the Sun, moon, The god of rain, and the god of fire,
Who lives in places sanctified by the smoke of fire sacrifices,
And who is sung by sages well learned in Rik and Sama Veda
śivāṣṭakamidaṃ puṇyaṃ yaḥ paṭhecchivasannidhau .
śivalokamavāpnoti śivena saha modate ..9..
Meaning – He who reads this octet on Shiva,
In front of the temple of Shiva,
Would reach the world of Shiva,
And would be happy along with Shiva.